The true measure of success for the On A Dime Transformations team is the support and successes we are able to facilitate with our program participants. We promise our clients measurable results and we deliver. But the most effective way to communicate the transformations we are most proud to have contributed to is to let our clients and our program participants speak for themselves.

Participant 1 - 40 year old male
“I have my whole life ahead of me. My internal barriers were all based on self-worth and confidence. Now I’ll find a job where the criminal history will not have an impact and is actually an asset”
Participant 1 had minimal work history and had not held a job beyond a few months. Deeply entrenched in a lifestyle of crime, participant 1 spent a total of 12 years in prison and had attempted treating his addiction twice before. When asked about his plans for the future (prior to taking our program), participant 1 expressed that he did not have anything in mind. Participant 1 identified grade 7 as his last year of school completed.
Has developed a practical plan that results in becoming a Peer Support Worker. Participant 1 has begun to build a network within the peer support community and has a formal mentor in the industry. He is currently taking courses in his chosen field and has applied for a 9-month course in peer support. At the time of this writing, he is awaiting the results of his application. He is in school and on track with his plan.
“I had no plan and now I see possibilities. It looks brighter than it did”

Participant 2 - 45 year old male
“I sleep better at night knowing I have a clear direction.”
Participant 2 worked in oil and gas for over 27 years before coming to treatment this time (his second attempt). When entering treatment, he was unemployed due to addiction and the current downturn in the economy. Growing up in farm life, Participant 2 described his upbringing as a positive experience that instilled good morals and values into his life. Participant 2 had expressed a strong desire to pivot out of the oil industry but described feeling lost as to his next steps.
“I felt lost and with a lot of uncertainty and no direction. I was kinda sitting there going, now what?”
Based on the results of his value inventory work, Participant 2 has identified a career in logistics as his chosen path. He feels confident in the transferrable skills that relate to this occupation. He is currently interviewing for a position as an operations manager with a national waste management company.
“I feel very strong about my value because I have more clarity and insight about what I bring to the table. I now have a clear path to employment.”

Participant 3 - 34 year old male
“Understanding different aspects of myself has helped me identify opportunities I didn’t think were possible. Having a plan to move forward gives me a sense of relief. I feel that I can overcome anything."
Participant 3 grew up in the social services system and was able to forge his way into a successful career in ironworking and welding. While addiction did affect his work periodically, he was able to maintain steady employment until the age of 28. From this point onward addiction took hold completely and he was unable to maintain steady employment. By the time he entered treatment, he had deemed himself unemployable due to his addiction. This is his first attempt at recovery.
“I felt trapped and did not know what to do. [regarding career]”
After reviewing his priorities, Participant 3 has identified a desire to work with youth in a mentorship type of role. He has redefined what success means to him and is looking for more fulfillment out of his work. His action plan includes returning to his previous career to gain traction in his recovery while putting things in place to pursue education in his chosen field. He has overcome barriers to re-entering his previous profession and has secured a position as an ironworker/welder. To support his longer vision, he is volunteering with Streetlights by mentoring 2 teenage youth on a weekly basis.
“Speakers showed that there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Having a vision helped me understand I am worth it. I am capable of doing what I put my mind to.”

Participant 4 - 40 year old male
“Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a new path in life can seem like a mountain. With so many pieces, it can be overwhelming. This program gave me the support to take action in many areas I probably never would have tackled on my own due to fear and not knowing how or where to start. I now have tools, supports, dreams, and ideas that are much more realistic and within reach.”
Participant 4 has battled addiction for most of his adult life. Falling into the criminal lifestyle at an early age, he has spent a total of 8 years in prison and has sought treatment for addiction 9 times in his life. He identified a cyclical pattern of treatment, working in construction/oilfield, relapse, and prison over the course of his 9 ventures into recovery.
“Whenever I would complete a treatment program, I would just take whatever job came my way”
“I tended to have some ideas but they generally didn’t turn into action”
After careful reflection and review of assessment results, Participant 4 has identified a career in dog grooming as something he would like to pursue. He is currently working in an entry-level position with a dog groomer while taking shifts at Fresh Start to help round out his income and support his recovery. His roadmap includes getting formal training in dog grooming and opening a business in the industry.
“This program has made the mountain much more climbable. I feel that I can make plans with more faith and clarity.”
Improve Recovery Outcomes With A Purpose Driven Life
Improving Recovery Outcomes By Empowering People Into Meaningful Employment
If your organization is seeking ways to improve long-term recovery outcomes by including an employment readiness component within your existing programming connect with our expert team at On A Dime Transformation.
Call us now at 1-403-966-9369.